Language syntax
The cgpipe language has a simple syntax that is similar to many other languages. The flow of a script is also similar to Makefiles.
The source code contains a set of test scripts that have examples of all statements and operations. These test scripts are the definitive source for the language syntax. These tests are run used to verify each build of cgpipe. In any case where this documentation conflicts with the test scripts, the test scripts are correct.
Test scripts are available in the src/test-scripts
directory and are named *.cgpt or *.cgpipe
Table of contents
- Contexts
- Data types
- Variables
- Lists
- Math
- Logic
- Variable substitution
- Shell escaping
- Printing
- If/Else/Endif
- For loops
- Build target definitions
- Including other files
- Logging
- Output logs
- Comments
- Help text
- Job execution options
- Experimental cgpipe language features
There are two contexts in a CGPipe pipeline: "global" and "target". In the "global" context, all uncommented lines are evaluated and treated as CGPipe code. The "target" context is how job commands are defined.
Within a target context, the code is interpreted in "template" mode, where only areas wrapped in <% %>
are evalutated as CGPipe code. The areas not wrapped in <% %>
are treated as the body of the job script to execute. Any whitespace present in the target body is kept and not stripped. In a target, any print statements will be added to the target body, not written to the console.
When a target is defined, it captures the existing global context at definition (like a closure). During execution, target contexts are therefore disconnected from the global context. In practice, this means that a target can read a global variable (if it has been set prior to the build-target definition), however, a target can not set a global variable and have the new value be visible outside or it's own context.
A target is defined using the format:
output_file1 {output_file2 ... } : {input_file1 input_file2 ...}
# indent to establish the target-context
script body snippet
<% cgpipe-expression %>
script body snippet
script body snippet
# ends with outdent
Data types
There are 6 primary data types in CGPipe: boolean, float, integer, list, range and string. Booleans are either true
or false
(case-sensitive). Strings must be enclosed in double quotes. Lists are initialized using the syntax "[]". Ranges can be used to iterate over a list of numbers using the syntax "".
Here are some examples:
foo = "Hello world"
foo = 1
foo = 1.0
isvalid = true
list = []
list += "one"
list += "two"
range = 1..10
foo = "val"
Set a variable
foo ?= "val"
Set a variable if it hasn't already been set
foo += "val"
Append a value to a list (if the variable has already been set, then this will convert that variable to a list)
unset foo
Unsets a variable. Note: if the variable was used by a target, it will still be set within the context of the target.
Variables may also be set at the command-line like this: cgpipe -foo bar -baz 1 -baz 2
. This is the same as saying:
foo = "bar"
bar = 2.59
You can also create and access elements in a list using the [] splice operator. List items don't have to be of the same data type, but it is recommended that they are. List indexing starts at zero. Negative indexes are treated as relative to the end of the list.
foo = []
foo = [1, 2, "three"]
print foo[2]
>>> "three"
print foo[-1]
>>> "three"
You can also append to lists:
foo = ["foo"]
foo += "bar"
foo += "baz"
print foo
>>> "foo bar baz"
List elements can be sliced using the same [start:end] syntax as in Python. If start or end is omitted, it is assumed to be the 0 or len(list), respectively.
foo = ["one", "two", "three"]
print foo[1:]
>>> two three
print foo[:2]
>>> one two
print foo[:-1]
>>> one two
You can perform basic arithmetic on integer and float variables. Available operations are:
divide (integer division if on an integer)%
power (2**3 = 8)
Operations are performed in standard order; however, you can also add also parentheses around clauses to process things in a different order. For example:
8 + 2 * 10 = 28
(8 + 2) * 10 = 100
8 + (2 * 10) = 28
You can perform basic logic operations as well. This will most commonly be used in the context of an if-else condition.
not (or is unset)==
not equals<
less than<=
less than or equals>
greater than>=
greater than or equals
You can chain these together to form more complex conditions. For example:
foo = "bar"
baz = 12
if foo == "bar" && baz < 20
print "test"
Variable substitution
Inside of strings, variables can be substituted. Each string (including build script snippets) will be evaluated for variable substitutions.
${var} - Variable named "var". If "var" is a list, ${var} will
be replaced with a space-separated string with all
members of the list. **If "var" hasn't been set, then this
will throw a ParseError exception.**
${var?} - Optional variable substitution. This is the same as
above, except that if "var" hasn't been set, then it
will be replaced with an empty string: ''.
foo_@{var}_bar - A replacement list, capturing the surrounding context.
For each member of list, the following will be returned:
foo_one_bar, foo_two_bar, foo_three_bar, etc...
foo_@{n..m}_bar - A replacement range, capturing the surrounding context.
For each member of range ({n} to {m}, the following will
be returned: foo_1_bar, foo_2_bar, foo_3_bar, etc...
{n} and {m} may be variables or integers
Shell escaping
You may also include the results from shell commands as well using the syntax $(command)
. Anything surrounded by $()
will be executed in the current shell. Anything written to stdout can be captured as a variable. The shell command will be evaluated as a CGPipe string and any variables substituted.
submit_host = $(hostname)
submit_date = $(date)
Shell escaping can also be used within strings, such as:
print "The current time is: $(date)"
You can output arbitrary messages using the "print" statement. The default output is stdout, but this can be silenced using the -s
command-line argument.
print "Hello world"
foo = "bar"
print "foo${bar}"
Basic syntax:
if [condition]
do something...
elif [condition]
do something...
do something else...
if foo
- if the variable ${foo} was set if !foo
- if the variable ${foo} was not set or is false
if foo == "bar"
- if the variable foo
equals the string "bar" if foo != "bar"
- if the variable foo
doesn't equal the string "bar"
if foo < 1
if foo <= 1
if foo > 1
if foo >= 1
For loops
Basic syntax:
for i in {start}..{end}
do something...
for i in 1..10
do something...
for i in list
do something...
Build target definitions
Targets are the files that you want to create. They are defined on a single line listing the outputs of the target, a colon (:), and any inputs that are needed to build the outputs.
Any text (indented) after the target definition will be included in the script used to build the outputs. The indentation for the first line will be removed from all subsequent lines, in case there is a need for indentation to be maintained. The indentation can be any number of tabs or spaces. The first (non-blank) line that is at the same indentation level as the target definition line marks the end of the target definition.
CGPipe expressions can also be evaluated within the target definition. These will only be evaluated if the target needs to be built and can be used to dynamically alter the build script. Any variables that are defined within the target can only be used within the target. Any global variables are captured at the point when the target is defined. Global variables may not altered within a target, but they can be reset within the context of the target itself.
output1.txt.gz output2.txt.gz : input1.txt input2.txt
gzip -c input1.txt > output1.txt.gz
gzip -c input2.txt > output2.txt.gz
You may also have more than one target definition for any given output file(s). In the event that there is more than one way to build an ouput, the first listed build definition will be tried first. If the needed inputs (or dependencies) aren't available for the first definition, then the next will be tried until all methods are exhausted.
In the event that a complete build tree can't be found, a ParseError will be thrown.
Wildcards in targets
Using wildcards, the above could also be rewritten like this:
%.gz: %
gzip -c $< > $>
Note: The '%' is only valid as a wildcard placeholder for inputs / outputs. To use the wildcard in the body of the target, use $%
Target substitutions
In addition to global variable substitutions, within a target these additional substitutions are available. Targets may also have their own local variables.
Note: For global variables, their values are captured when a target is defined.
$> - The list of all outputs
$>num - The {num}'th output (starts at 1)
$< - The list of all inputs
$<num - The {num}'th input (starts at 1)
$% - The wildcard match
Special targets
There are five special target names that can be added for any pipeline: __pre__
, __post__
, __setup__
, __teardown__
, and __postsubmit__
. These are target definitions that accept no input dependencies. __pre__
is automatically added to the start of the body for all targets. __post__
is automatically added to the end of the body for all targets. __setup__
and __teardown__
will always run as the first and last job in the pipeline. __postsubmit__
is a new job that is run after each other job has been submitted. There will be only one __teardown__
job for the entire pipeline, but a separate __postsubmit__
job for each other job submitted. __postsubmit__
is always a shexec block and can be used to add monitoring based on the newly submitted job-id. For example, if you'd like to keep track of jobs that were submitted, this could be used to add the new job's info (and job-id) to a database.
You can selectively disable __pre__
and __post__
for any job by setting the variable job.nopre
and job.nopost
Including other files
Other Pipeline files can be imported into the currently running Pipeline by using the include filename
statement. In this case, the directory of the current Pipeline file will be searched for 'filename'. If it isn't found, then the current working directory will be searched. If it still isn't found, then an ParseError will be thrown.
You can define a log file to use within the Pipeline file. You can do this with the log filename
directive. If an existing log file is active, then it will be closed and the new log file used. By default all output from the Pipeline will be written to the last log file specified.
You may also specify a log file from the command-line with the -l logfile
command-line argument.
Output logs
You can keep track of which files are scheduled to be created using an output log. Do use this, you'll need to set the cgpipe.joblog
variable. If you set a joblog, then in addition to checking the local filesystem to see if a target already exists, the joblog will also be consulted. This file keeps track of outputs that have already been submitted to the job scheduler. CGPipe will also check with the job runner, to verify that the job is still valid (running or queued).
This way you can avoid re-submitting the same jobs over and over again if you re-run the pipeline. This output log enables the ability to have multiple pipelines coordinate common dependencies or chaining without requiring an external management daemon. This also allows you to write smaller separate (composable) pipelines instead of large monolithic ones.
Comments are started with a #
character. You may also include the '$' and '@' characters in strings or evaluated lines by escaping them with a '' character before them, such as \$
. If they will be evaluated twice, you will need to escape them twice (as is the case with shell evaluated strings).
Help text
The user can request to disply help/usage text for any given pipeline. Any comment lines at the start of the file will be used as the help/usage text. The first non-comment line (including blank lines) will terminate the help text. If the script starts with a shebang (#!), then that line will not be included in the help text.
#!/usr/bin/env cgpipe
# This is a pipeline
# Options:
# --gzip compress output
# --input filename input filename
# (end of the help text)
# rest of the script
Job execution options
Specifying the shell to use
CGPipe will attempt to find the correct shell interpreter to use for executing scripts. By default it will look for /bin/bash
, /usr/bin/bash
, /usr/local/bin/bash
, or /bin/sh
(in order of preference). Alternatively, you may set the config value
in the $HOME/.cgpiperc
file to set a specific shell binary.
The shell may also be chosen on a per-job basis by setting the
variable for each job.
Direct execution of jobs
Certain jobs can also be directly executed as part of the pipeline building process. Instead of submitting these jobs to a scheduler, the jobs can be put into a temporary shell script and executed directly. The global shell will be used to run the script. Only jobs without any dependencies can be executed in this manner. If you would like a job to just run directly without being scheduled, set the variable job.shexec=true
. Also, the __setup__
and __teardown__
can be executed as shexec
One use for this is to setup any output folders that may be required. For example:
<% job.shexec = true %>
mkdir -p output
Another common use-case for this is having a clean
target to remove all output files to perform a fresh set of calculations. For example:
<% job.shexec = true %>
rm *.bam
Experimental cgpipe language features
The following features are experimental. Syntax for the below may change in future versions of CGPipe (or be removed entirely).
Target snippets imports
Sometimes you might have more than one target definition that has the same (or similar) job body. In this case, you might want to have only one copy of the source snippet and import that copy into each separate build-target script.
You can do this with an "importable" target definition. This is one way to include a common snippet into a target script that isn't __pre__
or __post__
. Importable target definitions are targets that have only one output (the name), followed by two colons. That snippet can then be imported into the body of a target definition using the import
(Note: the import
statement only works within the context of a build-target. If you need something like import in a Pipeline, try the include
Here's an example:
echo "this is the common snippet"
out.txt: input.txt
<% import common %>
out2.txt: input2.txt
<% import common %>
Eval statement
The eval statment lets us eval a string at runtime
eval a
i => 2
Double evaluated variables
Double var eval is useful in targets to include chunks of text based on a var:
foo="echo \"$>\""
will result in this being added to the body:
echo "target"