
Pipeline backends (batch schedulers)

Table of contents

  1. HPC server backends
  2. Specifying requirements
  3. Runner specific configuration
    1. Template scripts
    2. Shell script export
    3. Simple Batch Scheduler (SBS)
    4. PBS (Torque/PBS)
    5. SGE/OGE
    6. SLURM
  4. Dry-runs
  5. Job pipeline graph

Unlike Make, cgpipe does not actually execute pipeline commands. Instead, running the commands is outsourced to a "job runner" or backend. There are a number of supported backends, covering some of the more common HPC schedulers.

There are curently 5 available backends for running pipelines: a combined shell script (default), SGE/Open Grid Engine, PBS, SLURM, and single-user SBS (also from, see below).

Job runners are chosen by setting the configuration value cgpipe.runner in $HOME/.cgpiperc to either: 'pbs', 'sge', 'slurm', 'sbs', or 'shell' (default).



Like other cgpipe-wide configuration variables, any of these values can be changed on a per-run, per-user, or per-server basis.

HPC server backends

The most common use-case for CGPipe is running jobs within an HPC context. Currently, the only HPC job schedulers that are supported are SGE/Open Grid Engine and SLURM. CGPipe integrates with these schedulers by dynamically generating job scripts and submitting them to the scheduler by running scheduler-specific programs (qsub/sbatch).

Specifying requirements

Resource requirements for each job (output-target) can be set on a per-job basis by setting CGPipe variables. Because of the way that variable scoping works, you can set any of the variables below at the script or job level.

job setting description shell sge slurm pbs sbs Name of the job   X X X X
job.procs Number of CPUs (per node)   X X X X
job.walltime Max wall time for the job   X X X  
job.mem Req'd RAM (ex: 2M, 4G) [*]   X X X X
job.stack Req'd stack space (ex: 10M)   X      
job.hold Place a user-hold on the job   X X X X
job.env (T/F) Capture the current ENV vars   X X X  
job.qos QoS setting     X X  
job.project Project setting   X      
job.priority Priority setting   X      
job.nice Job "nice" setting       X  
job.queue Specific queue to submit job to       X  
job.wd Working directory   X X X X
job.account Billing account   X X X  
job.mail Mail job status   X X X X
job.mailtype When to send mail   [1] [2] X  
job.src Write the submitted script to a file   X X X X
job.stdout Capture stdout to file   X X X X
job.stderr Capture stderr to file   X X X X Job-specific shell binary [3] X X X Property requirement for an exec node       X  
job.node.hostname Exact host to run job on       X  

global job setting

job.shexec(T/F) Exec job; don't submit job X X X X X
job.nopre (T/F) Don't include global pre [4] X X X X
job.nopost(T/F) Don't include global post [4] X X X X

[*] Memory should be specified as the total amount required for the job, if necessary, cgpipe will re-calculate the per-processor required memory.

[1], [2] - job.mailtype has slightly different meanings for SGE and SLURM. The possible values are different for each scheduler.

[3] - the shell for the shell runner can be set using the global shell config, but the defaults are "/bin/bash", "/usr/bin/bash", "/usr/local/bin/bash", "/bin/sh" (in that order of priority).

[4] - pre and post script are only included once for the shell runner, so if any job includes a pre or post, then the final script will as well.

Runner specific configuration

Runner configurations may be set using the form: cgpipe.runner.{runner_name}.{option}.

Each runner has different options, which are listed below.

For PBS, SGE, SLURM, and SBS, you have the option: cgpipe.runner.{runner_name}.global_hold. If global_hold is true, then each job will have a user-hold placed on it until the entire pipeline has been submitted. Once the entire pipeline has been submitted (successfully), the user-hold will be released and the pipeline can start. This is useful to make sure that any step of the pipeline will run if and only if the entire pipeline was able to be submitted. This also makes sure that quick running jobs don't finish before their child jobs have been submitted. If there is an issue with submitting any of the jobs, then all jobs will be aborted before they are released for execution.

For PBS, SGE, and SLURM, you can also set a global default account by using the cgpipe.runner.{runner_name}.account option.

Template scripts

PBS, SGE, SLURM, and SBS job runners all operate by processing a job template, setting the appropriate variables, and then calling the appropriate executable to submit the job (qsub, sbatch, or sbs). A basic job template is included in CGPipe for each of these schedulers; however, if you'd like to use your own template, this can be specified by setting the variable cgpipe.runner.{runner_name}.template. As with all other options, this can be done on an adhoc, per-user or per-host basis. If you'd like to write your own templates, the templates are themselves written as CGPipe scripts and can include logic and flow-control.

Shell script export

Shell scripts will write a single script that contains all of the tasks for a given pipeline as functions in the script. When the script is executed, each of the functions will be executed in order. In case multiple pipelines need to be run, the variable can be set. If this is set, then each successive pipeline will be added to this single script file. CGPipe will manage the appropriate job names to avoid collisions. Additionally, if you write the output to a file, the presence of each output will be checked by the script. This means that only if an output file is missing will a job be executed.

By default the script is written to stdout.

The shell runner has one specific option that can be set: If this is set, then instead of writing the assembled shell script to stdout, the script will be immediately executed.

Simple Batch Scheduler (SBS)

SBS has two other options ( sbshome and path. sbshome sets where the SBS job scripts will be tracked. By default this is in the current directory under .sbs. However, this can be set by the $SBSHOME environmental variable or overridden by this property. path is the path to the sbs program, if it isn't part of your $PATH.

PBS (Torque/PBS)

PBS has three unique options (cgpipe.runner.pbs.): trim_jobid, use_vmem and ignore_mem. trim_jobid will trim away the cluster name from the jobid returned from qsub. If your cluster returns something like "" from qsub, but requires "1234" for qstat, etc… then this option will trim away the "" from the captured jobid. use_vmem will set all memory restrictions with -l vmem=XX as opposed to the default -l mem=XX. And ignore_mem will ignore any memory restrictions whatsoever in the job submission script (this may cause problems with your cluster or job scheduler, so use at your own risk).


For SGE, there are two additional options (cgpipe.runner.sge.): the name of the parallel environment needed to request more than one slot per node (parallelenv; -pe in qsub), and if the memory required should be specified per job or per slot (hvmem_total; -l h_vmem in qsub). The default parallelenv is named 'smp' and by default h_vmem is specified on a per-slot basis (hvmem_total=F).


SLURM has no additional options that haven't already been mentioned above.


If you want to see the script that would be sent to the job scheduler, you can specify both the verbose (-v) and dry-run (-dr) options to cgpipe and the job scripts that would be submitted will be printed to stdout as opposed to being sent to the job scheduler. This is a good way to troubleshoot parameters and custom templates if needed.

These options can be sent to any cgpipe command, or if a script uses the #!cgpipe or #!/usr/bin/env cgpipe shebang syntax, these options can be provided directly to that script.

Options with a single dash (-) are sent to cgpipe itself whereas options with a double dash (--) are used as argument to your pipeline.

The shell job-runner is also very useful for troubleshooting pipelines, so that one can verify if the job recipe scripts are correct.

Job pipeline graph

An included non-executing job runner is also available that converts the job dependency graph into a graphviz model. To use this runner, you need to set cgpipe.runner="graphviz". Instead of executing the job tree, this will produce a graphviz dot file to show the dependencies between jobs. This can be used to generate a PDF or PNG image using the Graphviz tools. This does not currently support displaying multiple interconnected pipelines through the the joblog, but that is a possibility for a future version.