
Running cgpipe

Table of contents

  1. Using the program
  2. Configuring cgpipe
  3. Examples

Using the program

CGpipe can be run either from the command-line (cgpipe mypipeline.cgp). Or, it can be used in a pipeline script that starts with a shebang (!#) – just like any other scripting language! It is also recommended to copy cgpipe to a location in your $PATH. This way, you can use the following stub to start your script:

#!/usr/bin/env cgpipe
print "Hello pipeline!"

In most cases, you won't be executing cgpipe directly. Instead, you'll be writing pipeline scripts in cgpipe, and those are what you'll execute.

Configuring cgpipe

CGpipe configuration or job variables can be set on a per-run, per-user, or per-server basis. At startup, cgpipe looks for configuration information in the following locations (in order of preference):

  1. From within the cgpipe JAR itself (path io/compgen/cgpipe/cgpiperc – this is only for default values),
  2. /etc/cgpiperc (for server-level options),
  3. $CGPIPE_HOME/.cgpiperc (CGPIPE_HOME defaults to the directory containing the cgpipe binary),
  4. ~/.cgpiperc (user-local config),
  5. The environmental variable CGPIPE_ENV (semi-colon delimited)

All of these configuration files are themselves cgpipe scripts that are 'included' with your running cgpipe script. This means that they can inherit options from each other.


  • Do you want to set job.mail for all of your personal scripts? Then set the value in ~/.cgpiperc.
  • Do you want to configure the batch scheduler settings for everyone on a given system? Then set job.runner in /etc/cgpiperc.
    • What is cgpipe is installed as an envirnmental module? Then use $CGPIPE_HOME/.cgpiperc.
  • Do you have cgpipe installed on a network drive that is mounted on different clusters? You can still set the cgpipe runner config from $CGPIPE_HOME/.cgpiperc by setting the job.runner config values. But, you can also use if/then/endif blocks to set system specifc values. The cgpiperc files are full scripts that are interpretted, so you can make them quite customizeable.

I've actually had to do this. We had a network drive that was shared between two different clusters. One was running CentOS 6 + PBS, the other was CentOS 7 + SGE. And, of course, the same pipelines had to be able to run on both clusters.